Winters Bros. Waste Systems is dedicated to Long Island and its residents, and that includes our passion for supporting individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), whether it’s our employees or individuals in our local communities. As part of this dedication, the Winters Family Foundation was excited to hold a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for its 14,000 square-foot Winters Center for Autism campus at 92 Mahan Street, West Babylon, NY. Over two hundred guests gathered to celebrate the opening of the new state-of-the-art campus committed to job training, wellness, and employment opportunities for individuals with ASD.
The Center will help to create jobs and provide job placement services for people with autism, as well as assist caring Long Island employers develop and implement job-training programs for adults with autism. The new cutting-edge facility includes training spaces for employment in hospitality, food service, technology, horticulture, salon services, and even a relaxation room. In addition to Nelly’s Empanadas, the campus will be a host to the Music Academy for Special Learners, Mike’s Custom Kuts, Winters Community Connections, and Winters Bros. Gym.
The opening ceremonies concluded with a street renaming and dedication ceremony in honor of company founder the late Joe Winters for his devotion to the autism community. Mahan Street is now Joe Winters Way, a tribute to a man of honor and integrity who chose West Babylon, NY as his place of business. Adding to the celebration of this special day, June 15, 2022 was designated as “Joe and Michele Winters Day” in the town of Babylon and Suffolk County, NY by the County Executive Steven Bellone.
This day would not have come to fruition without the support and generosity of the entire Winters family, sponsors, volunteers, and the outpouring of caring businesses that shared Joe Winters vision to “Hire for a Higher Purpose.” If you want to clean up your neighborhood while supporting a company that cares about its employees and communities, contact Winters Bros. Waste Systems of Long Island today!